PESTEL – over 25 years of experience and competence

PESTEL was founded in 1990 as one of the first industrial enterprises after the German reunification. The production now takes place on more than 6000 m2. Due to more than 25 years of experience our strong core competencies in production of polyurethane parts have increased.
PESTEL has its own construction area in which your individual ideas and requests can be transferred into a design tailored to plastic.
In our proprietary toolroom aluminiummoulds up to 19 tons total weight have already been constructed and produced.
Our production plant provides all usual methods of reaction-casting (Reation injection molding). Parts up to 100 kg weight and surfaces with maximum 4,00 m × 2,00 m can be produced within 7 seconds injection time.
Our proprietary paint shop enables all common liquid paintings as well as special paints like conductive (EMC) or softtouch coats. As a matter of course we also prepare the parts for this step.
Therefor we have the ability to support our customers with a full project realization finishing with ready-to-install and preassembled parts. We consider high quality and timeliness as standard. PESTEL is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001.